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Thomas Menthe



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Thomas Menthe über sich

Professional background: on request


Further Education

-Master of business administration(MBA), University of Buckinghamshire (2014-2016)

-Graduate in business administration, gepr. Betriebswirt (IWW)

-Computer Science with a minor in Business Studies,University of Paderborn


Training & Coaching

Conducted trainings(examples) and key-note speeches on:

- Management (Daimler, HDS Retail, Remax, Telekom etc.)

- Train-the-Trainer (Ladegaard “The key to successful selling”)

- Change Management (Sanner GmbH)

- Marketing and Sales (AMC, Cisco Systems, Canon, Dehoga,

Global Knowledge, Microsoft, Philip Morris, Red Bull, RIM,

Volksbanken, botament Baustoffe, bearing point/KPMG etc.)

- Communication, conflict, negotiation (Daimler, Adidas)




- Member of the Global Technology Distribution council (GTDC)

- Speaker „TOP 100 Speakers“, Speakers Excellence

category “Sales and Marketing” (since 2003)

- Professional Speaker of German Speakers Association

(GSA) and International Federation for professional Speakers (IFfPS)

- certified Coach(DVCT), member Berufsverband für Trainer, Berater

und Coaches (BDVT) and EMCC


Publications - „Kundennutzen – die Basis für den Verkauf“, Springer Verlag 2012,

- „Kundennutzen – die Anwendung im Verkaufsgespräch“, Springer 2012

- „Neue Methoden für einen effektiven Vertrieb“ 4th edition

with Prof. Dr. K. Nagel, Verlag Wissenschaft und Praxis, 2011

- „Die 30 besten Verkaufstipps“, Peak Perform Verlag, 2003/2010

- „Strategieumsetzung“, Thomas Menthe a.o., Excellence Edition,

Jünger Verlag, 2008

- „Die neue Rolle der Führungskraft“, 2nd edition Verlag Wissenschaft und

Praxis, 2014

- „Coaching (er)-leben“, Monsenstein Verlag, 2013

- „Praxishandbuch Coaching”, Olzog Verlag, 2009

- Audio book „Kundennutzen“, Publikationsservice A. Zupan, 2014


University teaching

10/2009 – 12/2011 - Lecturer „Sales Management and personal selling” (Bachelor program),

Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen / BVG Business School, Zurich

02/2007 – today - Instructor “Systemischer Business Coach”, Emrich-Consulting, Stuttgart


Systemisches Business Coaching


business coach (instructor) and sales leader with successful sales and entrepreneurial track record of 18 years in international direct and indirect sales from different key industries such as IT-Telecom, consumer (FMCG) and consulting services.


Thomas Menthe

Mülheimer Strasse 18
40239 Düsseldorf
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Germany

Telefon: +40 160 7147377